Hollandse keuken
Hollandse keuken
Allergenen (bevat geen): Allergenen (bevat geen): Selecteer uw allergie(ën)
Ei (5)
Gluten (11)
Melk (17)
Mosterd (5)
Selderij (13)
Soja (11)
- €4,50
- 300 gram
- In winkelmand
- from €1,65 to €4,95
- 150 gram
- 225 gram
- 450 gram
- In winkelmand
Andijvie stamppot
- from €3,88 to €7,75
- 250 gram
- 350 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
Cordon bleu gebraden
- €2,95
- 100 gram
- In winkelmand
Gebakken krieltjes
- from €3,13 to €6,25
- 250 gram
- 350 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
Gehaktbal uit de jus
- €2,15
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
- from €4,88 to €7,80
- 250 gram
- 400 gram
- In winkelmand
Grootmoeders ovenpot
- €9,95
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
Haricots verts gegaard
- from €3,44 to €4,13
- 125 gram
- 150 gram
- In winkelmand
Menu Andijviestamp bal gehakt
- €8,25
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu kippenbout
- €9,95
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu rode kool gehaktbal
- €8,95
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu rode kool puree stoofvlees
- €12,40
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu spinaziestamppot
- €8,95
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu witlofrolletjes cordon bleu
- €10,25
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
Menu Zomerstamppot stoofvlees
- €12,40
- per stuk
- In winkelmand
- €7,38
- 250 gram
- In winkelmand
Rode kool
- from €2,80 to €7,00
- 200 gram
- 300 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
- from €7,15 to €14,30
- 250 gram
- 350 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
Slavinken gebraden
- €2,36
- 80 gram
- In winkelmand
Speklapjes gebakken
- €1,71
- 60 gram
- In winkelmand
- €10,15
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
- €4,90
- 350 gram
- In winkelmand
Verse worst gebraden
- €2,55
- 100 gram
- In winkelmand
Witlofrolletjes ham kaas
- from €3,66 to €5,48
- 170 gram
- 255 gram
- In winkelmand
Witte rijst
- from €2,48 to €4,95
- 250 gram
- 350 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand
- from €3,50 to €7,00
- 250 gram
- 350 gram
- 500 gram
- In winkelmand